Winter CSA Week #6


This is for the sixth week of Winter CSA, which will be delivered on 1/30/18 or 1/31/18 depending on your pick up location.

Onions/Shallots Blue Goose Farm/Crighton Farm
Grassfed Ground Beef* Clarion River Organics
French Fingerling Potatoes – Clarion River Organics
Gold Raw Milk Cheese – Hidden Hills Dairy
Broccoli Microgreens – Harmony Grove Farm
Hydroponic Lettuce – Harmony Grove Farm
Lois Jean’s Slow Simmered Pasta Sauce – Kistaco Farm
Golden Beets – Riverbend Acres
Daikon Radish/Purple Radishes – Riverbend Acres/Tuscarora Organics Cooperative
Crimini Mushrooms* – Tuscarora Organics Cooperative
Whole Wheat Bread Flour – Weatherbury Farm

Gluten Free Shares will receive Farmers Market Salsa and Garlic in place on Whole Wheat Bread Flour

Vegan Shares will receive Farmers Market Salsa, Garlic, and Crimini Mushrooms in place of cheese and ground beef.

*If you responded to the survey indicating you were a vegetarian you will receive crimini mushrooms in place of ground beef.



Grower: Blue Goose Farm/Crighton Farm

Store: Sweet onions have a shorter shelf life than common varieties due to a higher water and sugar content. Thus, it’s important to store them properly. Ideally, sweet onions should be stored in a cool, dark, dry location and spread out for optimum air circulation. Most growers suggest placing onions in a clean pair of pantyhose, with knots tied in between each onion, then hung in a cool, dry place. Just snip off below each knot when you need one.  Stored properly, sweet onions should last in your

Recipe: Roasted Shallots and PotatoesCaramelized Onion Quesadilla, 5 Minute French Onion  Soup


Grassfed Ground Beef

Grower: Clarion Rive Organics

Store: The ground beef will come frozen, put it in your freezer if you do not want to eat it right away.  To defrost place in your refrigerator for a day, until completely thawed.


Recipe: One Pot PastaQuick Beef Chili, Slow Cooker Bolognese



French Fingerling Potatoes

Grower: Clarion River Organics

Store: Store potatoes in a cool, well ventilated place. Colder temperatures lower than 50 degrees, such as in the refrigerator, cause a potato’s starch to convert to sugar, resulting in a sweet taste and discoloration when cooked.


Recipe: Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Garlic & Parmesan Fingerling  Potatoes



Gold Raw Milk Cheese 

Grower: Jaroskinski/Crighton/Keim Farm

Store: This cheese is made only in the summer months when the cows are on pasture to capture the natural golden color of the grass. Aged 5-8 months, this cheese works equally well on a cheese tray, baked in a casserole or paired with fruit. As “gouda” as it gets!




Hydroponic Lettuce

Grower: Harmony Grove Farm

Store: Leave the heads intact and unwashed until you use them. Then, place them in the crisper drawer in your fridge with some paper towels.They’ll absorb any excess moisture, so your lettuce doesn’t spoil prematurely.  Lettuce bruises easily, so be careful not to shove other foods up against it. Using a storage container is better than a bag, which can end up squished against other items.



Broccoli Microgreens

Grower: Harmony Grove Farm

Store: Keep microgreens between damp paper towels, and make sure they are cold and covered in a resealable bag or container. Wrapped this way, they’ll last in the fridge for about a week.

Recipe: Broccoli Microgreens Salad, Cooking with Microgreens, Mushroom and Microgreen Omelet


Lois Jean’s Slow Simmered Pasta Sauce

Grower: Kistaco Farm

Store:  Store in your pantry for up to a year! Ingredients: Fresh Tomatoes, Tomato Paste, Fresh Peppers, Sugar, Fresh Onions, Fresh Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt, Spices.  Made with tomatoes grown at Kistaco Farm!

Recipe: 50 things to make with Pasta Sauce


Golden Beets

Grower: Riverbend Acres

Store: Beet roots can be stored in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator for 7-10 days.  You can either store them loose or in a plastic bag.

Recipe: Roasted Golden Beets with Rosemary and Garlic, Golden Beets and Brussels Sprouts, Golden Beet Salad



Daikon Radishes/Purple Radishes

Grower: Riverbend Acres/Tuscarora Organics Cooperative

Store: Daikon is quite perishable, so if serving it raw try to use it within 4 days of purchase. If cooking daikon, it can be stored up about a week. Keep it in a perforated plastic bag in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.  Keep purple radishes in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer, use within a week.

Recipe: Daikon Radish SaladBraised Daikon Radishes, Roasted Radishes with Brown Butter



Crimini Mushrooms

Grower: Tuscarora Organics Cooperative

Store: They’ll stay fresh for 5-7 days if you keep them refrigerated. Store bulk mushroomsin a paper bag in the refrigerator..

Recipes: Sauteed Crimini Mushrooms, Easy Roasted Mushrooms, Mashed Potatoes with Crimini Mushrooms


Whole Wheat Bread Flour

Grower: Weatherbury Farm

Store: Store in a cool place for several months.  Best when stored in refrigerator.

Recipe: One Hour Whole Wheat Bread, Soft and Fluffy Dinner Rolls







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