Eggplant Caponata

Guest Blogger: Lia Vacaaro


Eggplant Caponata


2 Medium Japanese Eggplants

2 Green Tomatoes

8 Cherry Tomatoes

3 Cloves of Garlic

3 Tbsp Cinnamon Basil

2 tsp Fresh Oregano

Himalayan Pink Salt

Cracked Black Pepper

1/4 c Red Wine Vinegar


1/4 cup finely chopped sweet yellow onion


Rinse all herbs and vegetables

Peel and finely chop garlic cloves, or mince

Chop Green tomatoes into small 1/2″ cubed pieces

Cut cherry tomatoes into halves

Chop eggplant into small cubed pieces about 1/2″-1″ pieces

Chop basil leaves

In a large pan, drizzle and lightly coat pan with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, on medium low heat

Add 1 clove chopped garlic and add all chopped onions

Cook and stir for 1 minute

Add eggplant and salt/pepper for taste

Cook for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally

Add fresh herbs to the mix and the red wine vinegar

Put heat on low and cover with a lid (do not cover fully), for 8 minutes, stirring occasionally

Add all tomatoes

Add a bit of EVOO as needed, so prevent sticking to the pan

After another 8 minutes remove lid, add a pinch of salt and pepper

Cook mixture on medium low for 5- 8 minutes until eggplant is soft, stirring as needed

Turn off heat, cool for 5 minutes

Plate and top with additional cinnamon basil

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