2015 Summer Harvest CSA Share Week of September 8

Save the date for our Summer CSA celebration!

The family friendly event will be held at Wigle Whiskey‘s Barrelhouse on Friday, September 25th from 6 – 9pm. There will be live music and Wigle Whiskey will be whipping up some tasty cocktails (cash bar).

Puerto Rican street food will be available for purchase from chef Jamilka Borges’ Swing Truck. Millie’s Homemade Ice Cream will also be there serving up their delicious ice cream. Penn’s Corner staff and farmers would love to celebrate with you!

All of our current CSA members (and their families) are invited to attend for free!

RSVP here: http://wiglewhiskey.com/end-summer-csa-celebrationand and enter the promo code CSAMember at check out.


A Route Z Route
arugla, NuWay Farm arugula, NuWay Farm
snow peas, Blue Goose Farm (CNG) hot pepper medley, Crighton Farm
eggplant, NuWay Farm zucchini, Weeping Willow Farm
heirloom tomatoes, Weeping Willow Farm sugar snap peas, Blue Goose Farm (CNG)
leeks, River View Farm (OG) McIntosh apples, Kistaco Farm
mixed potatoes, Hostetler Farm heirloom tomatoes, Weeping Willow Farm or NuWay Farm
red Bartlett pears, Dawson’s Orchards groud cherries, Sunny Meadow Farm
carrots, Blue Goose Farm (CNG) and Hostettler Farm sun sugar tomatoes, NuWay Farm

OG = Certified Organic, CNG = Certified Naturally Grown

Click HERE to check your delivery route


Grower:  NuWay Farm

Store: Wrap arugula loosely in a paper towel or cloth and store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Recipe:  balsamic beet salad with arugula



snowsnappeasSnow Peas

Grower: Blue Goose Farm

Store: In a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Recipe: Mediterranean snow peas




Grower: Blue Goose Farm

Store: Keep eggplant in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, and use it as soon as possible. You can place it in a vented bowl, but avoid sealing it in a plastic bag, which can increase decay. If you’re not using it promptly, store it in the refrigerator.

Recipe: Thai basil eggplant


sunsugarcropSun Sugar Tomatoes

Grower:  Nu Way Farm

Store: Keep them cool, not cold.  When you refrigerate tomatoes, any ripening you want them to do will stop because of the cold.  Unless your tomatoes are very ripe and you’re going to eat them quickly, keep them out of the refrigerator. 

Recipe:  tomato and basil bake


heirloom_tomatoHeirloom Tomatoes

Grower: Nu Way Farm or Weeping Willow Farm

Store: At room temperature on a plate not in plastic, keep out of sunlight.  Keep in mind that storing in a refrigerator can make tomatoes mealy and the skin dry. If you find that your tomatoes are not yet ripe, let them ripen on your counter top for a few days.

Recipe: heirloom tomato pasta



Grower: River View Farm

Store:  Refrigerate in a bag.  Do not wash until you’re ready to use it.

Recipe: Irish potato leek soup




newpotatoesMixed Potatoes

Grower: Hostetler Farm

Store: Store in a cool, dark place with good ventilation.

Recipe: leek and potato cakes



redbartlettRed Bartlett Pears

Grower:  Dawson’s Farm

Store:  Pears will continue to ripen off the tree (indeed, they really have to ripen off the tree to avoid a woody texture). So if your pears are a little green and firm, just leave them at room temperature and they’ll finish up nicely. Then you can refrigerate them.

Recipe: apple, pear walnut crisp



Grower: Blue Goose Farm

Store:  Refrigerate and keep them in a plastic bag.

Recipe:  glazed whole roasted carrots



sweet peppersHot Pepper Medley

Grower:  Crighton Farm

Store: Refrigerate peppers, unwashed, in a plastic bag in the vegetable drawer. Keep them dry, as moisture will eventually cause them to rot.

Recipe:   hot pepper jelly





Grower:  Weeping Willow Farm

Store:  In a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Recipe:  garlic parmesan zucchini chips



snappeasSugar Snap Peas

Grower:  Blue Goose Farm

Store:  In a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Recipe: pickled sugar snap peas



mcintosh_applesMcIntosh Apples

Grower: Dawson’s Orchards

Store: Put them in a polythene bag, make a few air-holes, and store them in a refrigerator.

Recipe: mini apple pies baked apple chips


ground_cherriesGround Cherries

Grower: Sunny Meadow Farm

Store:  Keep them at room temperature in a basket without removing their husks. In a week or less, their color will deepen from light yellow to the warm apricot gold that signals ripeness. Store ground cherries in their husks. They will stay fresh for up to three months if placed in a mesh bag and kept in a cool place (50 degrees).  Remove the husks and rinse the fruits before preparing. Husked fruits keep in the refrigerator for five to seven days.

Recipemini ground cherry pie

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